Thirty-five years ago, a group of friends went to a little Italian restaurant south of New Orleans. We all fell in love with their oyster dressing. We...
This is a very basic and simple stuffing recipe that my Grandma Ruth was famous for. You can easily replace the eggs with an egg substitute with no noticeable...
Traditional stuffing for an 8-person family Thanksgiving feast. Mom got up early to prepare and it was well worth it. It seemed that the stuffing always...
This recipe makes a dressing with rice and apple mixed in with the usual ingredients. Use a rice cooker for the rice and a food processor to grate or chop...
Each year I am asked to make this wonderful dressing. The recipe has been in my family for years. Chopped oysters and chicken broth make it very moist...
This is a cornbread stuffing with jalapenos, cranberries, bacon, and pecans. I cooked up this recipe while living in Texas. I serve it with turkey but...
Fruity stuffing that gives poultry a completely different flavor. A family tradition, handed down from our German ancestors. Just stuff your bird and wait...
This is a family recipe to stuff your turkey with. My dad used to ask me to make a Thanksgiving dinner in June so he could have the dressing!! If you like...
For those who haven't completely given up on homemade stuffing and are looking for a simple, memorable stuffing, this recipe - and it's tasty variations...
This is a great vegetarian mushroom stuffing--but meat lovers in my family love it too! I have made this earlier in the day and refrigerated it until I'm...
Quinoa is a fluffy, slightly crunchy, high-protein, gluten-free alternative grain native to South America. This can be used to stuff a turkey or served...
Toasted cornbread cubes are mixed with butter-sauteed veggies and seasoned lightly. You can use this to stuff a turkey as-is, or put into an oven-safe...
This is the best Thanksgiving stuffing I have ever had. With a mix of Southern-style cooking and Italian flavors it brings all great tastes together. I...
This recipe has been handed down with minor changes, if you love traditional stuffing this is a great one to try. This stuffing is also very good if you...
Onions, celery, green pepper and garlic sauteed in butter and boiled with chicken broth make the savory stock that cornbread is added to, creating this...
This quick and delicious oyster dressing takes the fuss and the mess out of the picture. It is all done on the stove top, and tastes like it has been cooking...
The distinctiveness of this turkey dressing comes from the orange-flavored liqueur, spicy Italian sausage, apples, and pecans. It's also very easy to prepare....
A favorite side dish that goes with everything from a barbecue to Thanksgiving dinner. Always requested by friends and family! This dish freezes well,...
This recipe was given to me by my friend Gloria 15 years ago. I have used it ever since then. No other dressing will serve the purpose, according to my...
These little gems have all the flavors of traditional stuffing but are made in the air fryer. Slightly crunchy on the outside with a soft interior. They...
A great recipe for stuffing a turkey. It is very moist! A pinch of marjoram can be added to this dish in addition to or in place of thyme. Try putting...
A sure thing! Mom gave me directions to this recipe over the phone. Fast and easy; you and others will be pleasantly surprised and delighted at the wonderful...
This savory stuffing is a little tangy and a little sweet. And it's so easy to make that you won't have to wait for a holiday to enjoy this dish with your...
I managed to wrangle this recipe from my mother. It's simple enough, but after you have this stuffing on Thanksgiving, nothing else will do. I've included...
This is by far the best stuffing recipe I have ever had. I have made it for the last 3 Thanksgivings and everyone has raved about it. It is very unique...
A delectable sweet and savory dish! Perfect as a side dish. Made with pineapple, bread, sugar, condensed milk etc. I make this for every holiday as it...
Southern dressing for Pesach made with matzo meal. Recipe can be tweaked to suit your taste. My family likes browned dressing with lots of pepper, but...
This is a wonderful semi-homemade stuffing with lots of flavor and textures. I made this for Thanksgiving and I got a lot of compliments and it was all...